- N.N. Holding company, 2009-2013
- CEO of a holding company
- Senior consultant & commercial manager
- Welskraft Technologie Holding, 2007-2009
- Kuvag GmbH, 2004-2007
- Scheuch GmbH, 1994-2003
- Controller
- ab 1999 commercial manager, ab 2001 additionally manager of the IT department
- VAIS (Voest Alpine Industrial Services), 1989-1994
- Group manager and accountable manager of a branch
- Product project management & organisational consulting
- Rechenzentrum University of Linz, 1979-1989
- Secondary Commercial College Ried, 1977
- Continuous education and advanced training in the fields: accounting (balancing, financial subjects), controlling (optimization, development, reporting), IT und social skills (presentation
skills, leadership development)